Saturday, 18 April 2009

Thank you...

Firstly, this post is very late in coming as it seems like ages ago that Spencer from Bellamere Cottage so kindly gave me these awards. I've been having the strangest problems trying to load the images onto my blog but happily that mostly seems to be resolved now -I'm still having trouble with a couple of the images but if I wait for that to sort itself out then I might be waiting a long time. Too long for politeness, that's for sure! Spencer does know that about this so I hope that she will still forgive for the inordinate amount of time it has taken me.

Secondly, I am absolutely delighted to have received these awards so Thank You Spencer for your kindness and generosity in giving them to me. Actually in truth it must be said that I very much doubt that I deserve them at all, so it just goes to show what a lovely person Spencer is! I love her great sense of humour, and even though she has only just started out in Blogland, Spencer is already making a multitude of friends because of her pretty blog and her charming posts - she seems to bubble over with happiness even when she is going through a sad time. So if you haven't had the pleasure of meeting Spencer then please visit her blog and introduce yourself to her.

And finally, the Friendship award which asks me to pass this onto 8 more blogging friends.

The Friendship Award also comes with the following message:-
"These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated." It adds:-
"Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

I have to say that it is the Friendship Award that strikes a chord with me because of the friendships I have made from blogging. So many wonderful people scattered around the globe who have touched my heart and who I feel are my friends. Thank you all and thank you once again to Spencer.

I do understand that many people in Blogland are very, very busy and maybe don't even care to receive these awards so please don't feel obligated to go through all the steps here - just know that I think YOU are special and that I'm grateful to know you. If you want to take up the awards and name a further 8 people then that's great. Just copy and paste the images and post them (well, try to...!)on your site and link to the other 8 people's blogs. I'd like to be able to pass the award onto each and everyone of my blogging friends, so please, please feel free to pick up any, or all, of these awards and post them onto your site. I'm well aware that this is probably breaking the 'Rules' but how can there be rules with friendship?

Anyway, here's my list:-

Meggie from the wonderful Life's Free Treats - my first blogging friend with a fabulous, thought provoking, insightful blog -

Deedee who is also quite new to blogging but has quite a following of enthusiastic fans - look at her blog and you'll see why! -

Jack, my good friend with a such a wonderful sense for a good post - he's not feeling too well right now so please visit him and cheer him up -

June is simply Wonderful! That's really all I have to say because that describes her perfectly - excepting that she is also the kindest, most gentle person around blogland -

Pondside, my dear friend from Vancouver Island - beautifully written and thoughtful posts, all judiciously mixed with such a sense of humour and love of life -

Russell from Iowa with a fantastic blog - well, let's face it, it's really the gorgeous Bailey, his dog, with the fantastic blog (sorry Russell!) -

Tracy from Norway who has befriended me and has such a beautiful blog - she is extraordinarily talented and makes exquisite jewellery and knitted items for her fabulous Artfire and Etsy shops -

and now someone with a wonderful eye for a sublime photograph/image. Maureen posts regularly and has some wonderful studies from around her famous home city -

I can't finish this post on Friendship without mentioning my friend Marie from Dreaming of Wild Roses ( we have so much in common and I'm so grateful to have met her. Marie is going through an immensely busy time right now, with no extra time for all these awards entail, but I wanted to take this opportunity of acknowledging a special friendship. Hugs to you, my friend.

I hope you are enjoying a sunny and happy weekend! With warm wishes, Vxx


  1. WOW, congratulations on all the awards, you are more then deserving. I always love coming by for a visit, to see what is new with you, and to see what pictures you might have posted. Enjoy those awards, it is a lovely feeling to know that others enjoy reading/seeing what you have to say! cheers,Debby

  2. you deserve all the awards, your posts are gracious and a delight. i am feeling a little better, thanks for your kind thoughts, jack c

  3. Thankyou Veronica! What a lovely blog you have, & a visit here is like a holiday, to me. Congratulations on those awards, you deserve every one of them!

  4. Hi Veronica! Thank you so much for the "friends" award. Your kindness and support means so much to me. I always look forward to stopping by and visiting leafblogotanicals too.

  5. Thanks Veronica, for both your comment about my blog as well as the award which I've accepted and now need to figure out who else to send it to. I love how blogging has totally opened my world up!

  6. Hello Veronica, I am so honored by the awards you gave me. What really touches me are your sweet words about me. That makes them all the more special. I'm am so excited to be counted as one of your friends. We have so many things in common and it's so fun to discover more all the time when I read your lovely blog. I don't know how to do very much on the computer so forgive my incompetence on getting everything on my post about them. Thank you again so much for the honor. Hugs from here, June

  7. Thankyou so much for commenting on my blog, its always a fantastic feeling to know that there is somebody out there who has enjoyed hearing about a snippit of my life.
    Ive browsed your blog and read your chicken posts and seen your neighbours goats, i think you must live in a beautiful setting. I hope that one day God blesses me with a garden full of chickens and goats!

    Aqeela xx

  8. Thank you, Vernonica - what a lovely thing to read early on a grey and damp Sunday morning. I always look forward to reading your posts - a glimpse at another way of life, another world, really. I'm always pleased to see the note pop up telling me you've blogged!

  9. Dear Veronica, you deserve Awards because your blog is fantastic. I have been busy that is why I haven´t been writing here and in my blog.

    Have a very nice week,
    Best wishes,

  10. Congratulations, Veronica on all your lovely awards! And thank you so much for sharing with me...I am touched and honored to be included. It has been a joy to meet you in recent months and I so much enjoy visiting here every week and talking with you. :o) Happy Week ahead, my friend ((HUGS))

  11. Congratulations on the awards Veronica. I am pleased to have met you too. x

  12. Thanks so much! Most appreciated to be included in your list -- but my real appreciation is reading your blog on a regular basis!

    You have a great blog and it is always most enjoyable to see your photographs and read your words every week.

    Take care.

  13. Such lovely awards, and well deserved too! It is nice to be appreciated, congratulations to you and to all the bloggers on you list.

  14. Lovely blog, nice collection, i love flowers white and blue beatifull , greeting from Belgium. Have a nice day Veronnica.
